Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Stop and smell the roses

You know it is funny how life pushes you to mature even if you aren't ready. Exactly 2 weeks ago I was in a car accident and I am okay. I was able to walk away from it with minor injuries, my car was not totaled, and I learned a very valuable lesson. Let me just say the accident was not my fault, I had the green light. However, through all of it I learned that life can change in a matter of a second so you have to enjoy each one. I have noticed so much more, I take time to breath, I take time to smile. I am learning to enjoy each hurdle and delay. It is a very free feeling when you can not get mad at having to sit in traffic for hours! Even though this cuts into my 1/2 marathon training it's ok I still will have 2 months by the time the doctor releases me *crosses fingers*

Smile everyone there is someone who loves you dearly :-)

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