Friday, February 22, 2013

Trimming nightmares

I got my ends trimmed last night. And let me just say for me the hair trimming process is a painful one. I think it all began when I went to a hair school to get my ends trimmed a few years ago. I sat down in the chair and the student began to trim, then she trimmed some more, and she trimmed some more. Finally I asked if something was wrong and she said no she had to make sure it was even. Long story short I lost 4 inches that day getting a "trim" and have been rather picky about my hair ever since.

Sadly that wouldn't be the only time I would lose significant inches during a "trim". It happened again in 2011 during a visit to a salon I was referred to. Needless to say I always get anxious when it is trimming time, especially now when I have so much to lose with 1 bad trim job.

Anyway back to last night, my hair was washed, conditioned, and straightened...then she brought out the scissors. My heart skipped a beat. Even though I have been going to her to get my hair trimmed for awhile the whole process still makes me uneasy. It went smooth, I can breath easier for another 6 weeks.

So for those who might be keeping track of my hair process, here are some before and after shots :-) 

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